Snes 9X EX+ in Android save game file

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Snes 9X EX+ in Android save game file

Post by ThirtyFiveAdams »

Good Evening or morning or afternoon or night, I stumbled upon this forum while looking for a solution for my problem if possible take a tiny bit of your precious time to help a slightely dumb and rather uncreative, poor soul:

I Recentely acquired the "Snes 9X EX+" on my phone, and decided to play a game I never had the chance to play, Chrono Trigger (great game btw), but right now I need to press buttons "L", "R" and "A" at the same time... my phone only allows me to use 2 touchs at the same time (I heard this is normal...), I am currently trying to find the save game files, or even a save state, play this part on my pc and then put it back in my cellphone (a Moto G, though i guess this is not relevant ), I need to play on my phone because otherwise I would have nothing to do at my work(or would it be Job? english isn't my native language)...
Helping or Not Thank you for reading and at least trying to help, I wish happiness upon you all!
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Re: Snes 9X EX+ in Android save game file

Post by adventure_of_link »

By default Snes9X EX+ saves and loads the games wherever you loaded the game. So you should be able to find the *.srm, put it on your computer, get past the CT L+R+A bit, then save, then put it back on your phone no problem.

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* Snes9X EX (Android)
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