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Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:58 pm
by gygabyte666
Wow! Thanks for the link. That looks really nice. I'll start reading it as soon as I can spare the time. I only hope it helps. Nothing thus far has but I'm gonna try to trust in your advise. The fact that it's online is excellent too. That way I can read it using my iTouch, which is what I'm using to type this message too. Recoding DVDs takes all my Macs processing power so it's currently out of commission for now. Thanks again!

Now I see. Honestly I never relied on 9x for Windows. I'm a traitor and prefer ZSnes on that OS. Although, 9x is really great. So I guess I wouldn't know about any issues for 9x on Windows. I agree though, I've messed about with DirectInput for Mac/Linux wine and you have a solid idea about that fixing the issue.

Good to know that your not easily offended. I am pretty much the same way and am very opinionated but I can understand what you mean. Still, I'm not gonna be a nagging pain in the ass unless I REALLY have no choice. Please let me know if you need any info from me on how to get the ball rolling. Do you have any idea what zones was taking about in one of the previous posts? He was trying to help me edit the source to make it like I wanted but most of it I didn't understand. Again, thanks for all your help. Any chance we could trade email addresses, AIM, etc accounts for future reference? You seem like a cool dude and it's hard to come by people like that. Thanks again!