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Cannot create savestates in Snes9x Ubuntu

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:38 am
by the_randomizer
Snes9x-gtk Ubuntu does not like creating savestates or native .srm files it seems. I did the following troubleshooting steps.

1) Made sure there was a directory created specifically for making save/load states.

2) Made sure that hotkeys were set up for creating/loading states (i.e using Shift/F1-F9 combo)

3) Made sure I was logged in as administrator and normal user

4) Manually selected "create savestate" from the menu, but it did not load, as it never made a save.

Is there any particular reason why savestates aren't being made in the created save directory, despite displaying the message "game-X-save.00x" in white text? I go to the folder..nope. Not there. It did not display the message "could not save game" which is deceiving. It can't be a "read only" SSD issue because Kega Fusion creates savestates just fine, and I can load those. I'm really confused. Snes9x shouldn't be giving me this much trouble with savestates/native saves. :shock:

Snes9x Version: 1.52 fix4
OS: Linux Ubuntu 10.10 Meerkat Maverick

Also made sure that the selected save folder was selected in the settings. As to why I can't create, much less load saves is beyond me.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:09 pm
by BearOso
This is actually a bug with permissions that should have been fixed in the latest snapshots. Unfortunately, you'll need to update to a snapshot in the ppa or wait for a new Snes9x release to keep this problem from recurring. You can try to temporarily fix this by running

Code: Select all

chmod -R 0755 ~/.snes9x
Also run that on any other directories you've tried to save to by replacing the ""~/.snes9x" part with said directories.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:06 pm
by the_randomizer
BearOso wrote:This is actually a bug with permissions that should have been fixed in the latest snapshots. Unfortunately, you'll need to update to a snapshot in the ppa or wait for a new Snes9x release to keep this problem from recurring. You can try to temporarily fix this by running

Code: Select all

chmod -R 0755 ~/.snes9x
Also run that on any other directories you've tried to save to by replacing the ""~/.snes9x" part with said directories.
Oh, that would certainly explain the funky behavior. :shock: I'll give that a shot, or should I use an updated SVN version via Tortoise SVN?

I assume the

Code: Select all

chmod -R 0755 ~/.snes9x
is from the Terminal.

EDIT 5:00 PM [/b

It's telling me that the directory doesn't exist, the folder in question is labelled as "snes9x"[/u]

Edit 9:30

Finally found a build, but let's see if it works