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Possible to get centered Simple 3X scaled image on 1024*600?

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:00 am
by Vague Rant
Hey guys, I've been playing some SNES games on my netbook, which has a 1024*600 display, but I like to use the Simple scaling filters with "Stretch Image" turned off, so I get pixels mapped 1:2, 1:3, etc.

Now, a typical SNES image of 256*224 when scaled 3X is 768*672, which is 72 pixels too tall for my screen. What I'd like to do is is display the center 768*600 of the image (256*200 in SNES pixels) at 3X scale on my screen, meaning I'll lose 36 pixels (12 SNES pixels) each from top and bottom. I figure it'd be rare for anything important to be in those 12 pixels due to overscan.

Here's a couple screenshots to indicate what I mean. The first is simply a 3X scaled 768*672 image, while the second is what I'd like it to look like on my 1024*600 screen. At the moment, when a larger scale than the monitor is selected, it's simply displayed from the top down, with the bottom being cut off. Is there a way to get it to look like this, or any plans for one in the future?



Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:29 pm
by OV2
I've added a config file option to always center the unstreched image (win port).

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:01 am
by Vague Rant
Excellent, thanks for the rapid response; will be looking forward to it.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:28 am
by Vague Rant
I've been using a test build with this enabled for a while now, and while it's fantastic for most games, it slightly breaks some others--Super Metroid's map is slightly cut off, etc.

I was wondering if it would be possible to have some customisation on this option--e.g., a box or ini setting where anything from -477 to +477 can be set, to move the image up or down (477 because it's one shy of the maximum height as far as I'm aware).

One example of a game for which this would be useful is Street Fighter Alpha 2. While the menus and such use the full height, in-game only a 256*191 window is rendered to, with 33 pixels of letterboxing. However, the majority of this letterboxing is at the top of the image. Below is a shot of the game with the areas cropped in 256*200 displayed in red.


As you can see, a minor (3 pixels) section is cropped from the bottom, while a great deal of letterboxing remains up top. By moving the image up somewhat (3+ pixels) the entire image could be shown, and even with roughly equal letterboxing on top and bottom by raising it 13 or 14 pixels.

Obviously, again, a major niche issue, and even moreso than it was before, so I understand if there's no interest in this.