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Save state causes not responding

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:43 am
by jerkeline
Ok so here's the problem,
I've just downloaded snes9x-x64 v1.56.2 to play loz:lttp after zsnes proved to be completely unplayable due to lag.
Everything's running fine and dandy (after backing off the sound input rate a bit coz choppiness) until I try to save (state). Usually I'll get one or two in fine but eventually I'll hit save and it'll freeze and say "snes9x not responding", and, of course, it'll never respond no matter how much I swear at it.
After about 10 mins of trying to close it/end process it'll eventually close, but then I can't reopen it, and trying to will sometimes cause the folder to not respond, or even summon the dreaded bsod *gasp*
So basically I'll play for a bit, save state (which works), play a bit more, try to save state but it crashes, inevitably have to restart the entire computer to get back on, then load from previous state before the crash ¬_¬

I'm running:
Windows 10 Home 64bit
4gb ram
AMD A9-9420e 1.8GHz
Integrated Radeon R5 GPU
(not the best machine ik but it's all I could afford and should be enough to play snes emu jeez)

Also note I'm running it all from an external hard drive because this laptop doesn't have a whole lot of internal space, and playing with an xbox 360 wired controller if that makes any difference?

Last time I emulated (like 10 years ago) it was just a case of plug in and play and it was simple and I never had any problems, now everything's complicated and I've had 4 different emulators screw up on me in two weeks and I find myself wishing for the good old days and omg I'm an 80yo woman now what happened D:

Anyways, please help me snes9x tech support, you're one of, if not my only, hope..

Re: Save state causes not responding

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:12 pm
by OV2
I'd try running it from your internal harddrive, or at least set the savestate directory to a folder there, and try that.

Re: Save state causes not responding

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:25 am
by jerkeline
OV2 wrote:I'd try running it from your internal harddrive, or at least set the savestate directory to a folder there, and try that.
This seems to have solved my problem, thank youuuu 😊😊