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SA-1 Emulation Issues

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:51 pm
by Vitor Vilela
Hello guys. I'm a SMW Hacker and a while ago I managed to add SA-1 support into SMW for various reasons (e.g. slowdown) so I have been playing with SA-1 for a while. Unfortunately, I got some issues with last snes9x version that are a quite annoying to handle.

First, I think FuSoYa already reported, is that bit 7 of Super MMC Registers ($2220-$2223) aren't emulated, making impossible to you set banks $C0-$FF use last 4MB and at same time $00-$3F and $80-$BF use the first 4MB of a ROM. Bit 7 was supposed to control if banks $00-$3F and $80-$BF should mirror the banks $C0-$FF or simply use the default bank switching. Snes9X seems to force bit 7 on.

Second, there is a pretty bizzare thing going with the INY opcode on SA-1 CPU. If INY opcode is on a page boundary (for example, $10:AFFF), it will decrease Y by one instead of increasing. I don't have much experience with C/C++, but I think it's related to this:

Code: Select all

static void OpC8X1 (void)

static void OpC8X0 (void)

static void OpC8Slow (void)

	if (CheckIndex())
OpC8X1 and OpC8X0 increases Y as expected while OpC8Slow decreases Y...

Third issue is related to BW-RAM's "Virtual RAM". Banks $60-$6F lets you store only 2 or 4-bits to the BW-RAM (depending on register $223F). For example, assuming it is on 4-bit mode, storing to $600000 will set the lower 4-bits of $400000 and storing to $600001 will set the higher 4-bits of $400000. So this implies, for example on a 128KB SRAM file, you can store from $600000 up to $63FFFF, but apparently Snes9X seems to mask the address by the SRAM file size, not by SRAM file size * 2, so storing $620000 will be like storing to $600000, making impossible to you store anything to address $410000-$41FFFF.

Another thing is, according SNES Dev. Book II, SA-1 section, section 1.1.5 and, you can have up to 256KB of BW-RAM, but apparently none of the emulators seems to support it. I have no idea how supposed you can have or activate 256KB of BW-RAM, even that the book says on section 3.3.3 that you can have up to 1M (128KB) of backup RAM. So maybe you can have 256KB of BW-RAM but only 128KB is savable...? Also apparently I-RAM can be savable too, but I don't know any SA-1 game that used it nor an internal ROM header that tells any emulator to save I-RAM. Same goes to 256KB.

And finally, the fourth issue is with the SA-1 emulation speed. Snes9X seems to emulate the chip around 25% slower than it should. I made a homebrew ROM that measured the speed by making the SA-1 CPU starts increasing A at start-end of V-blank until V-Blank gets triggers and end again. Any bsnes version gave 10.73 MHz while Snes9X gave around 6~7 MHz. Try it yourself: ... a1test.smc. "Normal Speed" is the SA-1 core speed when SNES is waiting in WRAM. "Par. Speed" is the SA-1 core speed when SNES is running on ROM and doing random read/writes on ROM, I-RAM and BW-RAM.

At "Normal Speed", obviously Snes9X should give a value near to 10.74 MHz while "Par. Speed" should be something between 5.37 to ~8 MHz (or around 10.74 MHz if the emulator don't care about bus conflict, like what bsnes does). (In theory, 5.37 MHz, but SA-1 only runs at said speed when reading a ROM value, while other operations are still at 10.74 MHz, so the value can be jumpy).

If someone for some reason can't run the ROM, here is the results I got: higan/bsnes snes9x.

I don't know why it's slower than it should, but I think snes9x applies the WRAM refresh to the SA-1 CPU too, but of course SA-1 shouldn't get affected by WRAM refresh since it's on a cart and the SA-1 CPU itself can't access the WRAM.

That's all, I think. I don't know what is the policy your guys applies here about these type of bugs since technically it only affects homebrew/hacked ROMs, but it would be good if you guys fix it for the next version.

Oh and sorry for my poor english, I'm not native speaker (I'm brazilian). >_>

Re: SA-1 Emulation Issues

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:29 pm
by OV2
Hi Vitor, thanks for taking the time to post your findings.

If I recall correctly issues one and three were fixed by the changes FuSoYa provided, while issue two was fixed by Alcaro from the libretro team. You can try with the latest testbuild, it should contain the fixes.

I don't know about the speed issue - if someone starts working on the core again it might be worth looking into.

Re: SA-1 Emulation Issues

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:34 pm
by Vitor Vilela
Oh, that's good to hear. About the speed issue, I think another cause apparently is the poor cycle emulation, since if I make my speed test ROM use $00 as counter instead of A (INC $00 x INC A), the speed seems to increase to 12 MHz, which is a huge difference, though the real speed is indeed at range 7~8 MHz because of the average CPU meter position comparing bsnes with snes9x on my hack.