
This is for people involved in the developement of Snes9x, or SNES emulators in general.
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Post by YoshiInAVoid »

I hope this is the correct section to post this!

I am making an SNES Game Maker and would be delighted if I could use Snes9x as the defult inbuilt emulator.

I have read the Snes9x license however I am still a little bit unclear if I can include it with the program or not. Here are the facts:

-I will not try and sell SNES Game Maker or make anyone have to buy to access all the features in the program,

-I will include the snes9x-license.txt file with the program,

That is pretty much it. I don't know how you would define "comercial" but it states that if it is a comercial program then I must request permision first.

So I'm sorry if this is a noobish question but I am just checking:

Can I include snes9x with my program as long as I do not claim it as my own and I do not sell my program and I include the licence of snes9x?

And if I do eventually decide to try and sell SNES Game Maker then can I still include snes9x with it? Or would I have to request permision again?

Thanks in advanced!
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Post by adventure_of_link »

As I understand, if you sell Snes9X and/or include it in a paid distribution of some kind, that's a no-no.

As for selling in general, good luck. you'll have to contact just about every developer, and some have left the scene for good or are otherwise hard to get a hold of.

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Post by Camo_Yoshi »

Snes9x uses it's own custom license:
Permission to use, copy, modify and/or distribute Snes9x in both binary
and source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without
fee, providing that this license information and copyright notice appear
with all copies and any derived work.
Basically, you can copy, modify, or distribute in either compiled or source, provided you don't use it to promote a product that is for-profit. They also request that you give credit to all authors. (A list of them can be found in the licenses.txt that comes with every snes9x package.)
Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should
seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes,
but is not limited to, charging money for Snes9x or software derived from
Snes9x, including Snes9x or derivatives in commercial game bundles, and/or
using Snes9x as a promotion for your commercial product.
Like I said earlier, you can't use Snes9x in a portion of your product if that product is sold for any amount of money.
The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code
should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications
in future versions.
If you make any modifications, please share them with everyone else "for the good of the emulator", per se.

Hopefully this helps! :)
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Post by YoshiInAVoid »

Yes that helps me alot.

So I shall include Snes9x with SNES Game Maker, however that means that I can't sell SNES Game Maker.

Oh well, I don't think I'd get any money anyway :P

Thanks guys!
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Post by Camo_Yoshi »

Yep, I'm looking forward to seeing what you can produce. :) Best of luck!
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Post by YoshiInAVoid »

The topic is on GBATemp if you wish to follow the development.

Anyway, here is a video of it so far:

EDIT: What about donations via Paypal? Are they alowed?
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Post by Camo_Yoshi »

YoshiInAVoid wrote:The topic is on GBATemp if you wish to follow the development.

Anyway, here is a video of it so far:

EDIT: What about donations via Paypal? Are they alowed?
Donations should be acceptable.

And hot dang, that looks awesome. I'm keeping a close eye on this.

Will it have a Windows port as well?
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Post by YoshiInAVoid »

Haha, this kinda awkward for me to say but... That deformed PC you see in the video... is windows! I changed alot of the settings.

In fact,it will only be made for windows[/i]
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Post by Camo_Yoshi »

Derp, irony. :P

Cool though, I can't wait to see how this will turn out. :D
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Post by YoshiInAVoid »

Sorry for not keeping you updated.

SNES Game Maker is on Version 0.2 at the time of writing this, and almost at Version 0.3.

SNES Game Maker has it's own site and forum where you can download it:

Oh and by the way, most people don't like me using so don't worry if your one of those people, I'll be moving the site to soon.
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Post by Camo_Yoshi »

Couple of ideas/suggestions for your site:

- Always have a static HTML page for your downloads, so that way if the forum breaks people will still be able to download it.

- Scan the archive using VirusTotal instead of one single scanner. Provide a link to the results, which I've already done for you here: ... 1312297270

Note that if you update your program to a newer version you'll need to resubmit to

You also now have your first mirror, too: ... er_V02.exe
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Post by YoshiInAVoid »

Thanks but I have no idea what the Virus Total page means. Does it say it's good or bad?

Anyway thanks for submitting that.

As for the mirror it's a nice idea but please take it down.

I like being able to monitor how many downloads SNES Game Maker gets by myself.

Thanks anyway though.
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Post by Camo_Yoshi »

YoshiInAVoid wrote:Thanks but I have no idea what the Virus Total page means. Does it say it's good or bad?

Anyway thanks for submitting that.

As for the mirror it's a nice idea but please take it down.

I like being able to monitor how many downloads SNES Game Maker gets by myself.

Thanks anyway though.
Basically VirusTotal uses pretty much every popular virus scanner out there and reports back the results.

I'll take the mirror down ASAP.

EDIT: Mirror is gone now.
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Post by YoshiInAVoid »

Thanks for taking it down.
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Post by Camo_Yoshi »

He only asked me to take the mirror I made of it down.

The actual tool is still up at his site:
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Post by adventure_of_link »

Camo_Yoshi wrote:He only asked me to take the mirror I made of it down.
and that was another spammer. :(

I'll get 'im.

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Post by YoshiInAVoid »

Ah, I hate spammers, hopefully you can ask an admin here to view the Ip adress of the spammer and they can search to see what user they are and ban them for a bit.

I keep getting spammers on the snesgamemaker forum and it's very anoying.

Good luck fighting off the spammer from your account.

"He only asked me to take the mirror I made of it down.

The actual tool is still up at his site:"

Your post makes no sence at all you dumb spammer, I'm the creator of SNES Game Maker and own the site. Why did you link me to it? No one asked where else to download it other than the mirror, and I've already posted the link to the new site so why have you posted that?
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Post by Camo_Yoshi »

Wait, what? No, I'm not the spammer, his post was already deleted. Calm down...
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Post by adventure_of_link »

Whoa there... yes, Camo_Yoshi is right. Camo isn't the spammer, some other guy came in here and spammed.

and yes, its IP, like the others, are gone.

Unofficial Test Monkey For:
* Snes9X GX (Wii)
* Snes9X EX (Android)
* Snes9X 64-bits (PC/Mac)

ZSNES|Ben Heck|NSRT|Bob Smiley
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