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New Feature Request

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 11:34 pm
by BluArtistEyes7
Snes9x has no trouble reading higher range ram codes, but currently it limits to a very low number of codes, there are quite a few codes that could be hard coded in not needing to be toggled on & off fixing this limitation issue. So simply adding a patch these codes into a new rom file would fix this limitation for everyone that needs more codes space. I have tried other programs out there like "Classic Cheat Code Game Patcher v2.2.1 by cracker" but it brings back address out of range error, because though I can find the correct raw address in snes9x it won't let me patch in ram addresses. Please consider adding this patch option or increasing your code limit and adding a new Sim City Version of snes9x that allows a more reasonable amount of codes (800,000 max)