Mixed Layers

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Mixed Layers

Post by l2lEC0N »

Hi! I'm playing a ROM hack of FF6, and I've been playing it perfectly fine for 2 weeks, and I came across a strange bug a few days ago. It randomly mixed the sprite layer, and put it on top of BG Layer #1. I'm not sure how or when this happened, but I noticed it when I was walking around in one of the towns, and I appeared to be on top of a house, instead of behind it. I also tried this with many other things in the map that shouldn't normally be like this, and sure enough, it happened. I've tried the thingy with the keys 1-5, but those only turn the layers off and on, not switch them around. I've also looked up online for any solutions, and even asked about the problem on a different forum, but have found no solution. Can anyone help me out here? Thanks a TON for your time in advance :D
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Re: Mixed Layers

Post by adventure_of_link »

sorry, but you will have to take this up with whoever wrote the hack. additionally, recent versions of Snes9X have gotten more accurate, so it's likely this hack may have taken advantage of an emulator bug.

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