Favorite Nintendo Controller

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Which Nintendo controller did you like the best?

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
Nintendo 64 (N64)
Nintendo Gamecube (NGC)
Total votes: 36

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Favorite Nintendo Controller

Post by op89x »

Rate it on whatever you want, be it the most comfortable, practical, easiest to use, or even best-looking. I'm just curious here.
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Post by Camo_Yoshi »

N64. Left and Right-hand compatible. :roll:
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Post by op89x »

I like the N64 because the Z-trigger felt the most natural, the C-buttons were always more precise than the Gamecube's C-stick (in my opinion) and the controller introduced several new concepts, such as the addition of a memory card or a rumble feature to the controller.
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Post by Motrax »

SNES Controller, because of all the extra buttons ! It just seemed intuitive for the time. It would have been the 64 controller if those darn joysticks wouldn't get ruined by Mario Party marathon sessions (:
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Post by Derwin »


I think the Wii is a sensation, but a sensation I will be avoiding because IMO you just look like a dick playing on one. I appreciate it adds a new level to gameplay, but like the six axis controller on the ps3, I just think its annoying having to move the controller to do certain things.
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Post by Motrax »

I concur with Derwin completely. Some of the games on the Wii work very well with the motion controller ( Metroid Prime 3 ) but on most games I find it to get very old very quickly. It's a novelty that I think will start to wear off as we see more and more games that do not make the controls feel very intuitive and leave you feeling tired.
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Post by slimdirect »

Honestly, I think the SNES controller pad was the best and here's why:

Let me just say that I have all these systems and love playing games
on all of them, but I have come to the conclusion the SNES controller was the slickest, less annoying(for those who like the glass half full, half empty etc.), had the right amount of buttons for games, and most practical.

For example, the first NES controller I found did not have enough buttons. For those who love playing the Double Dragon and TMNT (Ninja Turtles) games, as I do and still love to, the combos were using UP + A or B(which for example was high punch or a jump kick), granted that's part of the challenge, but since we're controller pads, Mortal Kombat was a lot easier with a high kick and low kick buttons separately. And, yes, I know those are two separate game genres, but the idea is still sound lol.

While I love the N64 and Game Cube(and loved the Zelda games, don't we all?), the controller pads were similarly awkward(and honestly the game cube pad was better in this, and most, circumstances). The controllers for these two systems at times had too many buttons (and no not like a fun "too many" like on a Steve Morse album). I never used the L button, ever I don't recall, or really the directional pad, and, to my discredit, I'm not the near the greatest player at all and never will be, I might be the worst lol. I understand why the directional pad was there perhaps, maybe to get someone like me transitioned on the N64 and have an easier time doing so being the klutz that I can sometimes be lol. However, in contrast, like op89x said above, "I like the N64 because the Z-trigger felt the most natural" . I fully agree with this statement. I think the guys at Nintendo were a step closer to getting it perfect when they made the Z trigger button the way they did. And, by the way, I also agree with you op89x, with this statement "the C-buttons were always more precise than the Gamecube's C-stick." Right on the money with that one.

As far as the Wii goes, Its single handedly the greatest system to play as far as innovation with its new technology. I mean, I knew the Wii was going to be cool, but I never thought it would be EPIC. Like Motrax just said, Metroid Prime 3 works very well with the Wii controls("perhaps the best use of the controls so far" -GameSpy <I think lol), but when I just want to sack out after a hard days work, I resort to my older Nintendo systems(SNES in this case lol)or '''GASP''' my PS3. Granted, the best thing about this system is playing Wii Sports and getting a great workout, especially if you're playing boxing with the higher levels like the pro ones for long periods of time.

However, when it comes to classic games with slick graphics (in most cases), the controller being bland, cool colors, slick smoothed out pad(more specifically, the feel), just the right amount of buttons, and the most practical for the games and and technology of its time, I have to resort to my precious SNES. The only thing I found that I didn't like with the controller and games was that the games would use A and B, or Y and X for the same function. That's the only thing that was irritating sometimes. But, other than that, everything else was gravy. And, by the way, the SNES was not my first system (1st was NES), although if it was, I don't know if I would have enjoyed the NES as much as did and do now.

Too long too read I imagine!

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Post by op89x »

Well, not too long for me to read, at least. You made several valid points. I only remember using the L-button a few times on the N64, but I did use it a lot on the Gamecube. I guess it just depends on what games you play. I never really thought there were too many buttons on any of Nintendo's controllers, but I will say that there were games I've played where I thought the buttons weren't used to their full potential. I like the Mortal Kombat idea because this is pretty much what I'm talking about; there are shortcuts that these buttons could use.

But very interesting. Looks like the SNES controller is in the lead by quite a bit.
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Post by adventure_of_link »

slimdirect wrote:I never used the L button, ever I don't recall, or really the directional pad, and, to my discredit, I'm not the near the greatest player at all and never will be, I might be the worst lol.
play mischief makers or Turok

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Post by kolechovski »

And it's nice when you didn't need zillions of buttons to make a game fun.
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Post by Floyd »

I like the Gamecube controller the best for some reason. I feel that it fits the hand pretty well, and it's pretty comfortable to me. I have never used the Wii controller though, so maybe I would like that one better.
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Post by Ryan »

adventure_of_link wrote:
slimdirect wrote:I never used the L button, ever I don't recall, or really the directional pad, and, to my discredit, I'm not the near the greatest player at all and never will be, I might be the worst lol.
play mischief makers or Turok
Or Road Rash 64. You had to reach over and hit the L button with your right hand, leaving you open for attacks, but you taunted your opponents by doing tricks with your weapon if you had one. Made sense. if you did that IRL, you'd be a sitting duck, so having to reach across unnaturally with your right hand to do it left you similarly open.
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Post by SqEn206 »

The SNES controller. I also like the Classic Controller for the Wii but it's slightly annoying for me to have to plug it in to the remote.
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Post by franpa »


the Gamecube's is pretty good but thats probably because they used a decent joystick >.<

the SNES has enough buttons for everything and most games didnt need you to press two buttons at the same time (like double dragon on the NES you pressed a+b together to jump).
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Post by snesreviews »

Granted, myself and everyone here is probably extremely biased on the subject but the snes controller is in my opinion, the best mainstream controller by a mile. It was the first mainstream controller that I know of which had shoulder buttons, and just watch how sony blatantly ripped it off for their consoles (and never looked back).

And the wii rules!
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Post by rsa1988 »

Well the first system that I really liked to play was the N64 then the PS2. Both were great in my honest opinion in fact I think that I will get these two systems again for the sheer of liking to play Gran Turismo 3 A Spec and The Legend of Zelda Ocrina Of Time.
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Post by chojin »

snes controller by far... I still to this day cannot pull off combos on SF on any other console as fast as I can with the snes pad...

although I was only 15 at the time of being the SF master.. now knocking on the door of 34 years old, so maybe not as fast as once was :lol:
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Post by goombapatrol »

gamecube has always been my favorite.
felt the most comfortable in my hand.

nintendo 64 would be a close second, but it hurts my hand to play for too long.
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Post by slack »

SNES here.

Cracked has an article about the N64 that includes a "cracked" view of the Evolution of Nintendo's Game Controllers which relates to the poll :)
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Post by kolechovski »

LMAO, that article was hilarious
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